Sneak Peek into the 2024 RG

Get ready for an unforgettable regional gathering, Brilliance by the North Bay in San Rafael, featuring activities like chocolate tasting, trivia, and activities dedicated to gifted youth and their families.

RG 2024 Program

SFRM RG 2024 PROGRAM More Info  | Register The program is for the most part in place but talks may still be subject to change. Game Room Formal Game Room open until Midnight. After Midnight, games can be played in hospitality. Games available include Scrabble, chess, backgammon, Encore, Clue, Yahtzee, Boggle, Blokus, Mensa Connections, Poker, ìSetî, Palabra, Uno, Dominoes, Cribbage, bridge, Parcheesi, Clue and many others. Jigsaw Puzzles We’ll always have a picture puzzle started. Drop into the game room and add a few pieces. FRIDAY 22, 2024 3:00 | Registration Opens 3:00 | Hospitality Opens 4:00 | Games Room Opens 4:00-5:15 | Program Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description 5:30-6:30 | Wine and Cheese Reception | Patio 6:30-7:30 | Buy Your Own Dinner Break 8:00-9:15 | Program Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description 9:30-11:30 | Program Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description Activity | Host | Room Description Debate Room: Title | Host | Room Description Scattergories | Barbara & Jim | Room Right off the top of your head, name a restaurant, fruit, toy, Halloween costume, and weapon. And make sure they all begin with the same letter. If “C” is the letter, you might answer Chinese, Cantaloupe, Cap Gun, Clown, and Catapult. But be unique. If your response is the same as an opponent’s, you score nothing! 144 different categories and 20 letters chosen randomly give lots of possibilities. Title...

Bios of speakers

Return to schedule   About the Speakers Keynote Addresses Alex    Pentland  Professor at MIT Saturday Keynote Professor at MIT, co-created of MIT Media Lab,. Member board UN Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, board advisor OECD, American Bar Association, Grammy Awards, Consumer Reports. One of the most-cited computational scientists in the world, serial entrepreneur whose spin-offs touch a good fraction of humanity.. Dr. Seth Shostak Senior Astronomer, SETI Institute Sunday Keynote Dr. Shostak  has   a degree in radio astronomy and obtained his Ph.D.  in astrophysics at the California Institute of Technology  Currently he is  Senior Astronomer at  SETI Institute. Seth is he host of the SETI Institute’s weekly science radio show, “Big Picture Science.” He is enthusiastic in outreach activities: interesting the public – and especially young people – in science in general, and astrobiology in particular. His numerous publications include: More than 60 research papers in refereed, professional journals Approximately three hundred popular articles published in magazines, newspapers, and the Web, on a wide range of topics. He was editor of two scientific book and contributor to five popular astronomy books. Several commissioned scripts for public relations videos produced for commercial clients and wo scripts for planetarium shows. He’s co-authored a college textbook on astrobiology, Authored three trade books on SETI. His major awards include: Carl Sagan Award for the Popularization of Science Klumpke Roberts Award for Astronomy Popularization Jaap S. Nieuwenhuis Award, from Netherlands Association for Scientific Film and Television Wubbo Ockels Award, for applied science (image processing in the service of computer animation), The Netherlands Best Bay Area Talk Show, BACE cable TV award Speakers Steve...

RG 2022 Program

Speaker Bios Schedule of Events Friday 11/18 Saturday 11/19 Sunday 11/20 Friday 11/18 3:00 Registration Opens To the right of lobby Hospitality Opens Room 265 4:00 Games Room Opens Wimbledon A   4:00-5:15 Masters | Music of Love and Life Before playing each song on the keyboard, Marty Nemko — I’ll read an engaging phrase from the song and ask the audience, “Does this have any meaning for you?” Wimbledon B | Meet the Mensans: Ice Breaker Activity “Lighthearted sharing of responses to prompts followed by a collaborative reading of Woody Allen’s ‘The Whore of Mensa 5:30-6:30 Wine Reception On the Patio Hospitality Closed Hospitality Service closes for the Wine Reception and reopens at 6:30pm 5:45 Hospitality | Closes reopens at 7:3- … 6:30-8:00 Dinner on Your Own Hotel restaurant hours:….Dinner ( Bar area)….5:00pm – 10:00 pm     Local Restaurant list will be available at the registration desk, 8:15-9:30 Triple Crown | The Greatest Bay Aera Joke-Off ever! Peter Antoniak — Bring you latest jokes for an hour of structured and un-structured laughter and merriment. Wimbledon B | Cards against Humanity Judy& Bernie Unger — Cards Against Humanity calls itself “A game for horrible people”. The moreperverted your sense of humor, the more fun the game is for everybody………………….. At the start of the game each player takes 10 white cards from the deck. These cards have random phrases on them like . “Wizard Music”, or “a bird wearing a hat”…………………. Some one takes the role of the card Czar. They will pick a card from the black deck it will have a question or incomplete phrase which the...

SFRM RG 2021 Program

We have a wonderful lineup of events for you in San Jose with speakers covering various topics from ballroom dancing to quantum blockchains. We’ll also have a game room stocked with many board games, jigsaw puzzles and a debate room.

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