Volunteer with SFRM
San Francisco Regional Mensa thrives because of the time, talent, and energy of its dedicated volunteers. Whether you’re passionate about organizing events, fostering connections, or supporting the behind-the-scenes operations, there’s a place for you. Volunteering with us is not only a chance to give back to the Mensa community but also an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals, develop new skills, and have fun along the way. Join us in shaping an engaging, inclusive, and vibrant community for all members!
Positions Available
Explore the available positions below and discover how you can contribute to the San Francisco Regional Mensa community. If you’re interested in any of the following, contact .
Archivist – Keeps official SFRM records safe for future generations of Mensa members.
Area Coordinators (AC) – The ACs’ job is to help the LocSec in this large geographic group of ours, to generate activities in their areas, and to answer members’ questions.
Registrar – Manages event check-ins, processes payments, creates name badges, and serves as the primary information point for participants.
RG Chair – The RG Chairperson plans and oversees our annual Regional Gathering. We’ve been putting on a great party—“Brilliance by the Bay”—for some years now.
SIGHT Coordinator – Arranges for out-of-town visitors to spend a day, or more, with volunteer hosts.
Testing Coordinator – Organizes the monthly testing sessions and schedules the proctors, the people who administer the Mensa-approved entrance test to prospective members.
Editor-in-Chief – Gets the newsletter put together and printed. This includes copy editing, writing, layout, proofreading, and dealing with contentious letter writers. The editor is typically assisted by others in auxiliary functions, such as advertising, calendar, proofreading, and special features.
Business Manager – Leads the troops through the Peel and Stick and deals with the U.S. Post Office monthly to get your newsletter to you. Your contact if your copy of the Intelligencer is missing or mangled.
Proctors – American Mensa-certified Mensans who administer standard entrance tests to prospective members at the local level.