Big Ideas Reading Group

BIG IDEAS READING GROUP In early 2009, a Special Interest Group of San Francisco Regional Mensa began meeting as a reading group, with the theme of big ideas. The current meeting location (exceptions noted) is Le Boulanger, 20488 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, CA 95014. Le Boulanger is at the southeast corner of De Anza and Stevens Creek in Cupertino, in front of the Cypress Hotel, with plenty of free garage parking. We meet the second Saturday of the month, 3:30-6pm. All are welcome to attend. Each book is selected by the group at least a month in advance. Members are encouraged to read the book before the meeting. The format is open discussion, with just enough moderation to assure everyone gets a fair chance to share. Our book list is here on the SIG’s...


GEN-X We are the SFRM Chapter of the national GenX SIG! Participation is open to any current member of Mensa living in the San Francisco Bay Area (or surrounding areas) and born between January 1, 1961 and December 31, 1981. Join our Facebook page Join our Meetup group Visit the national GenX SIG Contact GenX SIG Area Coordinator at...

Start the Month Right

START THE MONTH RIGHT At Elna and Adrian Tymes’ home, Mountain View 94043. Come celebrate the 31st year and longest-running monthly social event in all of American Mensa (at Elna’s home every month since 1981)! Potluck dinner, unstructured socializing, games, talk. We provide the main dish; you bring salad, bread, or dessert to share and YOB. $1 donation requested. No reservations needed. Info (650) 969-6650. Guests of Mensans must be accompanied by the member. PC, SO, WBC, WCD, C/D (RSE 1 Sat) “Lunatics” At the May 5th, 2012, event, a small group of “Lunatics” took time out from the long running STMR event at Elna Tymes to go out and view the 17% larger moon as it rose through the trees at the end of Adele Ave in Mountain View. That, and these photos, are all we have from the participants. Now your reporter takes some liberties. So the moon photo is not quite up to the standards of NASA astrophotography. However, the photo of the “lunatics” taken by their alien abductors is quite memorable. I guess they’re not quite facile with our imaging technology. See this NASA video for more info on the super moon, and some very impressive...

San Francisco Pub Get-together

SAN FRANCISCO PUB GET-TOGETHER There aren’t enough Mensa events in San Francisco, so we’ve set up a monthly event: a weeknight get-together at a downtown San Francisco bar/restaurant. Everyone is welcome, but an RSVP helps in determining how large of a table to reserve. See you there! Contact Barry Krasner.   WHERE & WHEN WHERE The Patriot House, located in Embarcadero Center #2, on the 3rd (top) floor (Sacramento St. between Front Street and Davis Street…take inside escalator to the 3rd floor and turn right).  The Patriot House is a great place to get together. The waitresses are friendly, the prices are mostly reasonable, and they rarely get very crowded or loud on Monday nights.  Their Happy Hour lasts until 6pm and includes discounted drinks and appetizers.  They have a wide selection of beers, mixed drinks, non-alcoholic drinks, and food. The place is walkable from BART and the Financial District, and there is an underground parking garage at Embarcadero Center with validated parking for those who are driving.  You can stop by after work, or, if you don’t work downtown, just come anyway. All Mensans (and guests) over 21 are welcome.     WHEN This outing is held every 2nd Monday of the month, starting at 5:30pm.  Arrive when you can, and leave when you’re ready, as we’ll be there for at least several hours. HOW TO FIND US & RSVP HOW TO FIND USYou’ll recognize our group by the Mensa logo that I will have on top of our table.  If in doubt, ask the wait staff for “The Mensa Group”. HOW TO RSVP If you’re a member of...
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