
ACW all children welcome; BYOB bring your own beverage; CO clothing optional; C/D cat/dog at residence; FE fictitious event; FFE fragrance-free event; FFO finger food only; LCR light carpet rules (no red wine or other staining substances; can also mean no shoes); MO members only; NC no children; NPC, PC no public calendar, public calendar; NMPCW new members, prospects, and candidates welcome; NS, S, S/NS, SO no smoking, smoking, provisions for both, smoking outside; NXM not exclusively Mensa event; RSE regularly scheduled event; WBC well behaved children; WCD, WCE, WCI, WCP wheelchairs difficult, easy, impossible, possible; RSEs are reprinted verbatim unless an update is received by the deadline for the issue in which a change is requested.

Note: Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.


Web Calendar Policy

Our policy is not to list events on the Web calendar unless requested to do so by inclusion of the “PC” (“public calendar”) code. If the PC code is not included, your event will default to NPC (no public calendar) and will not be included in the Web calendar. Home addresses (and directions to same) are not listed on the Web, but city and contact information such as telephone and e-mail are unless requested otherwise.


SFRM maintains a MeetUp group for events announced on short notice. See


To List Your Event 

Length limit: 120 words. Submit items to the Calendar Editor at . Items must be received by the deadline listed in the calendar to guarantee inclusion. Items must include host’s name, date and time, location, and applicable codes (above), and should also include phone (including area code) or e-mail address. Notices are published on a space-available basis subject to the discretion of the Calendar Editor. The policy for inclusion in the calendar is based on the SFRM bylaws.


October 2024

Note to Readers

While many events are still on hiatus because of an abundance of caution surrounding COVID-19 (and are noted below as “cancelled for June”), some events have resumed meeting in person and more are expected to follow in July. Some hosts may require the wearing of masks, and we recommend doing so in any case. The remaining events are virtual. Please continue to check here for updates as well as join our Meetup group ( where we have several impromptu virtual events happening.


None at this time.

End of May

May 23 – Sunday

12n Cafe Discussion: Mind over matter. See June 6. (RSE Su)

7p Channing Club. See June 27. (RSE 4 Su)

26 – Wednesday

Brainstormer Trivia Night is cancelled for May. PC (RSE last W)

6p 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Book Discussion: One chapter a week. This week we’re reading Chapter 3,  LIBERTY: Big Data is watching you. See June 2. PC (RSE W)

27 – Thursday

South Bay Lunch is cancelled for May. PC (RSE 2,4 Th)

6p Arrival of the Fittest Book Discussion: One chapter a week. This week we’re reading Chapter 4, Shapely Beauties. See June 3. PC (RSE Th)

28 – Friday

6:30p Virtual Happy Hour. See June 25. (RSE 4 F)

30 – Sunday

12n Cafe Discussion: Do you trust people? See June 6. (RSE Su)

June 1-7

June 1 – Tuesday

Tuesday Tipplers (as an in-person event) is cancelled for June, but watch the sources mentioned above in Note to Readers for Zoom Tipplers. PC (RSE 1 Tu)

2 – Wednesday

6p 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Book Discussion: One chapter a week. We’re reading 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari one chapter at a time. This week we’re reading chapter 4, EQUALITY: Those who own the data own the future. This is a Zoom event. The login details are listed on Meetup. Hosted by Mickie Winkler and Maria Gomez. PC (RSE W)

3 – Thursday

6p Arrival of the Fittest Book Discussion: One chapter a week. We’re reading Arrival of the Fittest by Andreas Wagner one chapter at a time. This week we’re reading Chapter 5, Command and Control. This is a Zoom event. The login details are listed on Meetup. Hosted by Pia Smith. PC (RSE Th)

4 – Friday

Movies That Matter is cancelled for June. PC (RSE 1,3 F)

5 – Saturday

6p Start The Month Right. It’s barbecue time! At Elna and Adrian Tymes’ home in Mountain View. Come celebrate the 41st year and longest running monthly social event in all of American Mensa (at Elna’s home every month since 1981)! Potluck dinner, unstructured socializing, games, and talk. Bring bread, salad, or dessert to share, and YOB; hamburgers and hot dogs available or bring your own meat to grill. $1 donation requested. No reservations needed. Info (650) 969-6650. Guests of Mensans must be accompanied by the member. Masks strongly encouraged. PC, SO, WBC, WCD, C/D (RSE 1 Sa)

6 – Sunday

12n Cafe Discussion: See Meetup for topic. In case you were wondering, the cafe discussions have so far been lively, interesting, and you always come away with something to think about in the week to come. Drop in and stay for as long as you like. This is a Zoom event. The login details are listed on Meetup. Hosted by Pia Smith. PC (RSE Su)

4p Albany Hill Hike. Join us for a one-hour scenic and historic hike up and around Albany Hill. The trail is steep in spots, but the views are expansive. Special bonus: We have scheduled the Sather Tower Solar Beacon to shine directly upon us as we arrive at the top of the hill. Meet under Pacific East Mall Jumbotron just behind the bus stop on the east side of Pierce St. between Central Ave. in El Cerrito and Washington Ave. in Albany. Free parking is available in the mall lot, which is seven tenths of a mile from the El Cerrito Plaza BART station. Please contact Roberta Maguire to make sure she is in town at robertamaguire/a/t/ or (510) 292-6370. PC, ACW, NMPCW, NS, WCI, NXM (RSE 1 Su)

June 8-14

8 – Tuesday

6:45p Puzzled Pint. (NOTE: If shelter in place is still in effect, this will instead be a virtual event on Zoom. Contact Karl as below for instructions on how to connect.) Who likes PUZZLES? The kind where part of the game is to figure out what you need to be doing in the first place? Want to do it as part of a team, so you can bounce ideas off each other, and let someone else do the parts that you find uninteresting? This is a monthly event held in the Bay Area (and simultaneously elsewhere in the world), at a convenient pub where we might order food and drink before or during the game. RSVP to Karl Heuer at puzzles/a/t/ or (650) 648-3594 (voice or text) to reserve your spot and learn the address; it’s almost always either Sunnyvale or Mountain View, near Central Expressway. PC, NMPCW, NS, NXM (RSE 2 Tu)

Intelligencer Deadline. Deadline for calendar events, advertising, members’ free ads, and all other content. See above for information on submitting events. PC (RSE Tu after 1 Sa)

9 – Wednesday

6p 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Book Discussion: One chapter a week. This week we’re reading Chapter 5, COMMUNITY: Humans have bodies. See June 2. PC (RSE W)

10 – Thursday

South Bay Lunch is cancelled for June. (RSE 2,4 Th)

5:47p Reappearance of the Berkeley-Oakland Restaurant Group (re-BORG). Assimilate delicious food and interesting conversation at a good restaurant with outdoor dining somewhere in the central East Bay. Vaccinated attendees only & masked when not eating and/or drinking, please. Limited seating. E-mail or call ahead for the location on or after June 2. Reservation deadline is 5p the day before. Please bring cash. Cathy Roha, catroha/a/t/, (510) 207-2345. PC

6p Arrival of the Fittest Book Discussion: One chapter a week. This week we’re reading Chapter 6, The Hidden Architecture. See June 3. PC (RSE Th)

11 – Friday

6:30p M Weisley’s Café. Ever wanted to hang out with all the space pilots at Mos Eisley’s Café (Star Wars 1977)? Unfortunately Tatooine is rather a long commute just for a Happy Hour so we wisely located M Weisley’s in hyperspace where it can easily be accessed instantly by Zoom. No matter where in the universe you are located, you will not experience any light speed delays in your communications. So now you can experience all the ambience of our seedy cantina crowded with numerous alien races in our virtual meet up. All aliens and humans are welcome at M Weisley’s. Mix up your favorite beverage, gather up some munchies and join in our out of this world Happy Hour. To attend as an alien visit Snap Camera and download their software. Choose from hundreds of available avatars which will move and act with your movements in video conference. If you’re creative, you can use their software to create your own avatar. Or of course you could do it the old-fashioned way and actually put on a costume. Please RSVP on Meetup for the Zoom Link. Hosted by Judy Unger, junger2040/a/t/ PC (RSE 2 F)

GenX Food and Movie Night is cancelled for June. PC (RSE 2 F)

12 – Saturday

11a SFRM Picnic. (NOTE: Capacity has been increased to 100 registrants as a result of Santa Clara County’s promotion to the least restrictive “Yellow” tier.) As county ordinances allow, SFRM is hosting a spring picnic at Memorial Park, 21121 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, 95014. At one of the first “in real life” social events of 2021, members can socialize over pre-packaged picnic lunch bags that include your choice of BBQ hamburgers, hot dogs, or Impossible Burgers (plant based) while comfortably maintaining social distancing on picnic blankets scattered across our spacious picnic site. We are also planning cool games such as bean bag tic-tac-toe, Throw Throw Burrito, and a water balloon toss for those folks interested in some friendly, humor inducing competition. This event is capped at 100 people to ensure that social distancing guidelines are maintained and registration will close as soon as we hit 100 registrants. Please sign up on our SFRM Meetup group ( if you would like to attend. PC

13 – Sunday

12n Cafe Discussion: See Meetup for topic. See June 6. (RSE Su)

2p Monthly Gathering: “Highlights from the Tribal Arts Museum of Palm Desert”. Mensan Francine Bellet has collected masks for over fifty years and from six continents. The Museum has over 180 tribal masks and numerous other tribal artifacts. She is the Museum’s founder, curator, collector, docent, and chief duster. This is a Zoom meeting; see Meetup for login details. PC

14 – Monday

Monday Munchers is cancelled for June. PC (RSE 2 M)

4p San Francisco Pub Get-Together returns! (NOTE NEW, EARLIER START TIME.) Stop by after work or, if you don’t work downtown, just come anyway. All Mensans and their guests are welcome, provided that they are at least 21, at Patriot House in 2 Embarcadero Center (Sacramento St. between Front St. and Davis St.), SF 94111. Take the inside escalator to the 3rd floor, then turn right. Look for the Mensa logo on our table or ask one of the waitresses to find us. Starting at 4p, but arrive when you can and leave when you’re ready. We will be there for several hours. They have discounted dinners from 4p until 6p, with the kitchen closing at 8p and the bar closing at 9p. RSVP preferred on Mensa’s Meetup site at, less preferred by e-mail to Barry Krasner at bwkbwk/a/t/ If you find that you can’t come after RSVPing “Yes”, please change your RSVP to “No” before the event takes place. PC, NC, NS, NMPCW (RSE 2 M)

6p Online Board Games. Come explore some board games that can be played on the Web. To prepare, it’s best if you create an account at and walk through the “Can’t Stop” tutorial. We’ll meet online with Zoom to establish voice contact, then we’ll decide on a game to try out. RSVP on the Meetup calendar if possible, otherwise contact Karl Heuer at puzzles/a/t/ or (650) 648-3594. PC, NMPCW, ACW

June 15-21

16 – Wednesday

6p 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Book Discussion: One chapter a week. This week we’re reading Chapter 6, CIVILISATION: There is just one civilisation in the world. See June 2. PC (RSE W)

17 – Thursday

5p Pub Trek. Join us for the resurrection of Pub Trek, where we can sample new beers at brew pubs or tap houses on the third Thursday of each month. June’s event is scheduled at a new brewery south of downtown, in San Jose: Narrative Fermentations (at the site of the former Santa Clara Valley Brewing), 101 E. Alma Ave., San Jose 95112, (408) 288-5181, Drop by anytime starting at 5p continuing to approximately 7p. RSVP and/or contact Rosemary Greenlaw with any questions or suggestions for future events at (408) 206-4905 or rbgreenlaw/a/t/ PC, NMPCW, NXM, SO (RSE 3 Th)

6p Arrival of the Fittest Book Discussion: One chapter a week. This week we’re reading Chapter 7, From Nature to Technology. See June 3. PC (RSE Th)

18 – Friday

6:30p Palo Alto Dining is optimistically starting up again. Tonight a few of us will enjoy Turkish cuisine at Anatolian Kitchen, 2323 Birch St. (just northwest of California Ave.), Palo Alto 94306. Don’t know what Turkish food is? Kurdish food? Come to find out! As always, good food and good conversation. To reserve, contact Susan Heimlich at (650) 714-4972 or at susan.heimlich/a/t/ by Wednesday, June 16. Space is limited, so be sure you get a confirmation. PC

19 – Saturday

4p Big Ideas Reading Group (NOTE ONE-TIME CHANGE OF WEEK): Arrival of the Fittest: How Nature Innovates by Andreas Wagner. (NOTE: We are meeting online via Zoom. E-mail host Chris Boyd as below if you might want to be included in the online meeting or to be updated on any changes in venue.) Evolutionary biologist Wagner draws on over fifteen years of research to present the missing piece in Darwin’s theory. Using experimental and computational technologies that were heretofore unimagined, he has found that adaptations are not just driven by chance, but by a set of laws that allow nature to discover new molecules and mechanisms in a fraction of the time that random variation would take. For July 10 on Zoom: The Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good? by Michael J. Sandal. We have a list of books read at For questions and directions please contact Chris Boyd at snoboyd/a/t/ PC, NMPCW, NXM (RSE 2 Sa)

20 – Sunday

12n Cafe Discussion: See Meetup for topic. See June 6. (RSE Su)

June 22-30

23 – Wednesday

6p 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Book Discussion: One chapter a week. This week we’re reading Chapter 7, NATIONALISM: Global problems need global answers. See June 2. PC (RSE W)

24 – Thursday

South Bay Lunch is cancelled for June. PC (RSE 2,4 Th)

6p Who We Are and How We Got Here Book Discussion: One chapter a week. We’re reading Who We Are and How We Got Here by David Reich one chapter at a time. It’s an illuminating account of all that studies of human DNA have taught us about the ancient world and their bearing of our origins on our present. This week we’re reading Chapter 1, How the Genome Explains Who We Are. This is a Zoom event. The login details are listed on Meetup. Hosted by Pia Smith. PC (RSE Th)

25 – Friday

6:30p Virtual Happy Hour. Mix up your favorite beverage. Bring out some happy-hour munchies and join us for a virtual relaxing time. Please RSVP on Meetup for the Zoom Link. Hosted by Judy Unger, junger2040/a/t/ PC (RSE 4 F)

26 – Saturday

6p Online Board Games. See June 14.

27 – Sunday

12n Cafe Discussion: See Meetup for topic. See June 6. (RSE Su)

7p Channing Club is a wide-ranging discussion group which has been meeting, in one form or another, for over half a century. There are no assigned topics; we discuss whatever is on participants’ minds. Our meetings are currently on Zoom. Join the Zoom meeting: Meeting ID: 691 293 7135. Password: berkeley. Hosted by Kevin Langdon, kevinlangdon86/a/t/ PC (RSE 4 Su)

28 – Monday

8p Monterey County Mensa Monthly Meeting. (NOTE CHANGE OF TIME AND WEEK.) MCM will hold a monthly Zoom meeting on the last Monday of the month. This will be a standing event, and we send out the link to our members the night before. We will plan presentations, speakers, and games nights via this online platform, so watch your e-mail for regular updates. If you wish to participate send e-mail to MCM LocSec Heidi Van der Veer at LocSec/a/t/ PC (RSE last M)

30 – Wednesday

Brainstormer Trivia Night is cancelled for June. PC (RSE last W)

6p 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Book Discussion: One chapter a week. This week we’re reading Chapter 8, RELIGION: God now serves the nation. See June 2. PC (RSE W)


July 1 – Thursday

6p Who We Are and How We Got Here Book Discussion: One chapter a week. This week we’re reading Chapter 2, Encounters with Neanderthals. See June 24. PC (RSE Th)

2 – Friday

6p Movies That Matter. PC (RSE 1,3 F)

3 – Saturday

6p Start The Month Right. See June 5. (RSE 1 Sa)


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