What can you do as a family to help your children and teens increase understanding of the college process, while reducing stress?
Join us on November 9, 2024 at 1pm Pacific Time with Melody Lowman, SFRM’s Gifted Youth Resource Coordinator as we dive deeper into looking ahead to college. This event is open to all parents and guardians of gifted youth in American Mensa whose children are 8th grade and older.
About the Event
Melody Lowman has been working with gifted children and families in education and psychology for over 50 years. As a Behavioral and Educational Consultant she helps families research and apply to schools and colleges. As SFRM’s Gifted Youth Resource Coordinator she is offering a free one hour program for parents on the many ways families can help prepare their children, and themselves, for identifying potential colleges, demystifying the admissions process, and preparing for financing college.
Why you should visit colleges when you are nearby, or on vacation. Why some extracurriculars are valuable for some things, and others are not. Why private colleges are sometimes not more expensive than public colleges. There will be time for questions.
This event is open to all parents and guardians of gifted youth in American Mensa with children 8th grade and older.
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Looking Ahead To College: Information and Inspiration for Parents of Students 8th Grade and Older
When: Nov 9, 2024 01:00 PM Pacific Time
Speaker: Melody Lowman, Gifted Youth Resource Coordinator, San Francisco Regional Mensa
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYldu-trD4tEtOpmPp1lUZL2Dfv1n7QR9_j