June 2020 Calendar of Events
Eric Eichorn, Calendar Editor

Codes: ACW all children welcome; BYOB bring your own beverage; CO clothing optional; C/D cat/dog at residence; FE fictitious event; FFE fragrance-free event; FFO finger food only; LCR light carpet rules (no red wine or other staining substances; can also mean no shoes); MO members only; NC no children; NPC, PC no public calendar, public calendar; NMPCW new members, prospects, and candidates welcome; NS, S, S/NS, SO no smoking, smoking, provisions for both, smoking outside; NXM not exclusively Mensa event; RSE regularly scheduled event; WBC well behaved children; WCD, WCE, WCI, WCP wheelchairs difficult, easy, impossible, possible; RSEs are reprinted verbatim unless an update is received by the deadline for the issue in which a change is requested. Note: Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

Web Calendar Policy: Our policy is not to list events on the Web calendar unless requested to do so by inclusion of the “PC” (“public calendar”) code. If the PC code is not included, your event will default to NPC (no public calendar) and will not be included in the Web calendar. Home addresses (and directions to same) are not listed on the Web, but city and contact information such as telephone and e-mail are unless requested otherwise.

Meetup: SFRM maintains a MeetUp group for events announced on short notice. See

To List Your Event: Length limit: 120 words. Submit items to the Calendar Editor at Items must be received by the deadline listed in the calendar to guarantee inclusion. Items must include host’s name, date and time, location, and applicable codes (above), and should also include phone (including area code) or e-mail address. Notices are published on a space-available basis subject to the discretion of the Calendar Editor. The policy for inclusion in the calendar is based on the SFRM bylaws.


February 2025

Note to Readers

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, most June events have been cancelled, and are so noted below. The few remaining events are virtual or employ effective social distancing. Please continue to check here for updates as well as join our Meetup group where we have several impromptu virtual events happening.


Every Thursday

Mountain View Lunch Bunch is cancelled until further notice.

End of May


June 1-7

June 2 – Tuesday

Tuesday Tipplers is cancelled for June, but watch SFRM-News and our Meetup group (see above) for a possible Zoom Tipplers. (RSE 1 Tu)

3 – Wednesday

Math Lovers’ Lunch is cancelled for June. (RSE 1 W)

5 – Friday

Movies That Matter is cancelled for June. (RSE 1,3 F)

6 – Saturday

Start The Month Right is cancelled for June. (RSE 1 Sa)

7 – Sunday

4p Albany Hill Hike. (NOTE: This event is on, since the trail is still open as of this posting and is amenable to social distancing. Contact Roberta as below just before the event to make sure that this is still the case.) Join us for a one-hour scenic and historic hike up and around Albany Hill. The trail is steep in spots, but the views are expansive. Special bonus: We have scheduled the Sather Tower Solar Beacon to shine directly upon us as we arrive at the top of the hill. Meet under Pacific East Mall Jumbotron just behind the bus stop on the east side of Pierce St. between Central Ave. in El Cerrito and Washington Ave. in Albany. Free parking is available in the mall lot, which is seven tenths of a mile from the El Cerrito Plaza BART station. Please contact Roberta Maguire to make sure she is in town at robertamaguire /a/t/ or (510) 292-6370. PC, ACW, NMPCW, NS, WCI, NXM (RSE 1 Su)

June 8-14

8 – Monday

Monday Munchers is cancelled for June. (RSE 2 M)

San Francisco Pub Get-Together is cancelled for June. (RSE 2 M)

8p Monthly Gathering: Parenting Gifted Children and Teens in the Time of Covid-19: Evidence-based, practical information and advice. This will be a Zoom event; see Meetup for the Zoom link. Melody Lowman, M.A. has a background in both psychology and education, and over 50 years of experience working with families of gifted and twice-exceptional children and teens. Her web site is at Parents are encouraged to submit their questions and concerns prior to the presentation and discussion by e-mail to Melody at melodymlowmanma /a/t/ PC

9 – Tuesday

6:45p Puzzled Pint. (NOTE: With shelter in place is still in effect, this will be a virtual event on Zoom. Contact Karl as below for instructions on how to connect.) Who likes PUZZLES? The kind where part of the game is to figure out what you need to be doing in the first place? Want to do it as part of a team, so you can bounce ideas off each other, and let someone else do the parts that you find uninteresting? This is a monthly event held in the Bay Area (and simultaneously elsewhere in the world). RSVP to Karl Heuer at puzzles /a/t/ or (650) 648-3594 (voice or text) to reserve your spot. PC, NMPCW, NXM (RSE 2 Tu)

Intelligencer Deadline. Deadline for calendar events, advertising, members’ free ads, and all other content. See above for information on submitting events. PC (RSE Tu after 1 Sa)

11 – Thursday

South Bay Lunch is cancelled for June. (RSE 2,4 Th)

6:17p Bay Area Restaurant Group (BARG). A new version of BARG-It-Yourself: Please support one of your local restaurants by ordering take-out or delivery to enjoy in your own home. Tip generously! And for great conversation, consider phoning one of your Mensa friends. (RSE 2 W/Th)

12 – Friday

Delta Happy Hour Hunters is cancelled for June. (RSE 2 F)

Mid-Month Mex (MMMMex) is cancelled for June. (RSE 2 F)

GenX Food and Movie Night is cancelled for June. (RSE 2 F) 

13 – Saturday

4p Big Ideas Reading Group: The Math of Life and Death: 7 Mathematical Principles That Shape Our Lives by Kit Yates. (NOTE: We are meeting online via Zoom. E-mail host Chris Boyd as below if you might want to be included in the online meeting or to be updated on any changes in venue.) Yates takes us on a fascinating tour of everyday situations and grand-scale applications of mathematical concepts, including exponential growth and decay, optimization, statistics and probability, and number systems. Along the way he reveals the mathematical undersides of controversies over DNA testing, medical screening results, and historical events such as the Chernobyl disaster and the Amanda Knox trial. In this eye-opening and extraordinarily accessible book, mathematician Yates illuminates hidden principles that can help us understand and navigate the chaotic and often opaque surfaces of our world. For July 11: Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction by Timothy Gowers. We haven’t solidified the time and location. We should know more by press time for the next Calendar. We have a list of books read at For questions and directions please contact Chris Boyd at snoboyd /a/t/ PC, NMPCW, NXM (RSE 2 Sa)

June 15-21

19 – Friday

Movies That Matter is cancelled for June. (RSE 1,3 F)

Movie Night in Orinda is cancelled for June. (RSE 3 F)

June 22-30

23 – Tuesday

Trivia Night in Brentwood is cancelled for June.

24 – Wednesday

Brainstormer Trivia Night is cancelled for June. (RSE last W)

25 – Thursday

South Bay Lunch is cancelled for June. (RSE 2,4 Th)

27 – Saturday

East Bay Game Night is probably cancelled for June, but check the usual sources such as SFRM-News and Meetup (see above) for possible updates. (RSE last Sa)

28 – Sunday

Channing Club is cancelled for June. (RSE 4 Su)


July 1 – Wednesday

11:30a Math Lovers’ Lunch. (RSE 1 W)

3 – Friday

6p Movies That Matter. (RSE 1,3 F)

4 – Saturday

6p Start The Month Right. (RSE 1 Sa)

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