
I suffer from wanderlust, not to be confused with a travel bug; travelers tend to go in search of specific destinations whereas we wanderers are simply curious about where the road will take us. I’m not, at least not by my lights, at all reckless, but I am a calculated risk taker looking for something more than safe transport, so naturally my wandering is done on a Harley.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing

I live for adventure. I have not had the life experiences of the author of this quote, Helen Keller, nor have I practiced daredevil stunts like bungee jumping or parachuting out of an airplane. Most of my adventures have been on foot, often over long distances, and sometimes in far­flung corners of the globe.

Once, on a hike with Kashmiri friends in a remote area of the …

Nick Kloski – Introduction to 3D Printing

Ever wanted to learn more about 3D printing or how to get started? Come learn about the current state of 3D printing, based on SFRM-member and author Nick Kloski’s book entitled “Getting Started with 3D Printing”

A Survey of Interesting Robots

Having mentored High School robotics for 16 years, Gary Koerzendorfer shares some interesting robots he’s come across. He uses these as examples and inspiration for his students.

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